Responsive CV Blog: Latest Articles

Advantages of following standard resume format

People want to see standard resume format It’s deeply engraved inside the human brain for years that a resume should follow a standard structure with education/experience/Summary/Contact details etc. If they don’t see that structure or see that in different format, they can get confused & usually they don’t have much time to dig deep or make extra effort to look for the required information & make an effort to contact you. And the filtering system that a resume can go through is so huge, there are software & bots that can read & analyse the resume for relevance and ranks your resume… Read more »

The secret of people who always get job offers

I’m on the other side of the table now but when I was interviewing I’d get job offers over 90% of the time. Here are some of the things I did: Do your Research Before the interview I’d do as much research on the company and position as possible. I’d research the company website, if they are a publicly traded company I’d do research on their annual reporting to their shareholders. If I knew my bosses name I’d research them on LinkedIn to see if someone in my network knew them. If someone knew them then I’d reach out to… Read more »

Should you accept counter offer after resignation ?

The experts will tell you – never – never – EVER accept a counter-offer. Your resignation has already placed you in the outer circle and you will remain there forever. Just leave. A resignation cannot raise your value to the company – he is lying to you. Anecdote: One of our team members – a critical player – wanted a raise and the project boss said no – flat no. So he resigned. Next our project boss took all us leaders into a room to discuss options. He said the project budget had an additional $5000 due to the resignation… Read more »

How to write an interview winning resume?

Are you ready to apply for a job? For most professional positions, you’ll need to do more than fill out a job application or email a resume. It’s not enough to just send in your resume – you need to make sure the documents have been written in such a way that they’ll get you an interview. After all, winning an interview is your main goal when you apply for a job.This information will empower you to write an interview winning resume that will impress the employer. Step One: Keywords Closely match the language listed on the job posting. Pay… Read more »

Perfect Resume Creation: 10 easy steps to create a perfect resume

Writing a perfect resume is crucial to securing an interview with the right people. Luckily, there are tons of resources, offering phenomenal advice regarding resume writing. Your resume must be outstanding, and attention-grabbing, especially if you are looking for a management position, you will need a perfect mission statement as well. In order to build a perfect resume, you will need to appeal to what is important to your prospective employer, and how you can be of service to them. Step 1 : Take fundaes I wrote my first serious resume about 2 years before placement. But before you do… Read more »

Resume’s Bad Signs: Things To Avoid For Writing A Good Resume

To make your resume looking good and perfect,you would have to avoid Resume’s Bad Signs.It would be very helpful to find your desired job.When you read hundreds of CV’s or resume  everyday you quickly pick up on common mistakes. Many of what is listed about the resume’s Bad Signs below are completely superficial which means they are easy for you to fix. You’ve got to get rid of the excess before you can make an impression. Remove Color One piece of advice regularly thrown around about CV’s is that you need it to ‘get noticed’. Without any further explanation this may… Read more »

Your First Résumé: The Ins And Outs Of An Effective CV

College graduates of three years or less have the lowest rate of employment among higher education graduates, meaning that it’s crucial for any recent graduate to have the best possible résumé. If you have little or no previous work experience, putting together a résumé can be a challenge, but with volunteer experience, a good summary of yourself as a worker, education, and references, writing your first résumé doesn’t have to be a headache. These guidelines can help you create a professional, tailored CV that will stand out. Short On Paid Work Experience? Volunteering Helps Employers are always looking for previous experience, but that… Read more »

Difference between CV and resume

If you ever applied for a job some companies instruct you to submit a resume while some other ask for a CV (Curriculum Vitae). Have you ever wondered what is the difference between CV and Resume ? Broad difference is that a resume is a short description of your skill set usually one or two pages in length while a CV is a much detailed explanation of your work experience, skill set, educational qualification, references etc that can extend upto 10 pages. The following table explains best about the difference between a resume and a CV  Image Courtesy :… Read more »

What’s the best way to get your resume noticed?

Your résumé is a Marketing Material which has to sell your Personal Brand.  You need to create a resume that brings out the best of what you possess, and do it in such a way that it looks appealing enough to get their attention. There are many creative alternatives to get your resume noticed. Some of them are listed here. Tweet the company you want to work with, retweet and engage in their conversation, when the time comes just mention that you applied for a position in a retweet. Give a value proposition. List 3 areas where the company could improve, or the application, service… Read more »

How to add QR code on Resume/CV ?

Method 1 : Add QR Code on Resume It’s fairly simple to add a QR code on a resume. Go to QR code generator online, give a link to your online resume The QR code will be downloaded on your system as JPG file. Go to your word editor insert this QR code on your resume. Method 2 : Using ResponsiveCV to Create Resume with QR code The above method works only if you already have an online version of resume hosted somewhere and have a permanent link to it to access it. Also online version of resume doesn’t load well… Read more »

Should you include QR code on Resume ?

Yes. You should include QR code on resume for the following advantages it offers. It creates a visual impression on your resume the very first time the recruiter sees it. It directs to a dedicated mobile version of resume where there is whole lots of necessary information about you which paper resumes can’t deliver. The mobile version of resume can have live links to the projects done, references, testimonials and even a LinkedIn profile which has whole lot of information the recruiter needs. The QR code makes it easier for recruiter to contact you with a dedicated “Call Me” &… Read more »

Site Relic – Free Service To test Website Performance

If you are a website owner you can test how your website is performing at different locations using Site Relic. It’s a Free tool to test how your website is performing at different locations. Apart from website performance metrics, this free tool provides lot of extra metrics such as Screenshot Checker Website Security Check HTTP/2 Test X-Content Type Options Header HTTP Header Checker/X-XSS Protection Header/X-Frame Options Header & more SPF Record DNS Record Lookup DNSSEC SSL Checker Safe Browsing CORS Checker All these for free. You can start from here.

What should you write in email body when sending your Resume/CV?

Keep It Short – Sample Email Body when sending Resume/CV So you are emailing a resume with an attachment. Let the recipients know that you attached the resume in the subject line. Resume Subject line Speaks it all Sample Subject Line :  Applying for UI Developer – Job Code – 17XX23 – Resume Attached Remember, a recruiter has to recruit for several job openings at once. They use several hiring mediums. So include the JOB CODE if you found one. It is located on the ad you saw on LinkedIn or any Job sites. Also, look for who posted the ad at… Read more »

How to email a Resume/CV ?

Best time to email a resume – How to email resume? Monday morning 5 AM – 7 AM. Remember Last Into the mailbox – First to be seen by the recipient. If you send an email Friday night and expect a call by the weekend, maybe you are out of luck. In 2 days multiple mails will have come to the person’s mailbox, when the person opens the mailbox Monday morning your email will be 30+ in the list and it may get lost in the crowd. Alternatively, how about you sent 7 AM in the morning? The recruiter will… Read more »

How to download resume in PDF/word format ?

You created resume through responsive CV .com. Here is how you can download your resume through PDF/Word format. Step 1 : Login to your ResponsiveCV account. You can use your Email/Password or your social accounts such as Facebook/Google/Linkedin Step 2 : Navigate to saved CV’s page, Click on Options dropdown on the CV you wish to download.   To download your CV as Word Format, click on “Download as Word” from the options drop-down. It’s that easy and simple. If you have trouble downloading your Resume, keep your resume as public before downloading. If you still have trouble contact us, we… Read more »

How to beat stress at work place?

“Stress” is a common vocabulary in this new millennium; it has become a part of modern human despite of what he/she is, the major cause for stress is because of the pressure that one encounters through various mediums. It happens when one thinks that he/she cannot face the pressure that is being forced on him/her. The impact that stress has on a person is both physical and psychological, which should be fought in order to bring a better outcome in what one does. The best way to encounter Stress is by avoiding it coming in our way, and for those… Read more »

Common Reasons why your resume can be ignored and how to avoid them

There are several things that can go wrong with a resume. It is always considered best to take measures to prevent it from happening. You may have to pour over hundreds of resumes before you get a basic idea on how to sell yourself or you can just learn from everyone else’s mistakes. When you learn to correct mistakes before they even happen then you are on the right track towards building a good resume. The following are the simple common reasons why your resume can be ignored, you can concentrate on avoiding them the next time you build the… Read more »

4 Simple things employers look for in every job interview!

An interviewer for any job position has only one goal in mind: to find a candidate that best matches the job description. Until he does so, he will keep looking through all of the applicants. There will always be a set of essentials in the job description which they require and if you happen to possess these skills then you will be hired. So it is safe to say that the key to turning an interview around in your favor is to sync your abilities with the abilities the company is looking for. Creativity: The first thing to keep in… Read more »

Useful tips to improve your online resume

A resume is the best you have when it comes to representing yourself and what you stand for. If you map your resume right, you will successfully be able to advertise your skills, experience and your achievements. To show all of these qualities under the right light you must first master the art of writing a resume. An online resume is more flexible and adaptable to the modern day employment seeker. It allows the applicant to highlight his selling-points so that an interested party is drawn to these points as soon as he opens the file. There are also several… Read more »